Monday, January 16, 2012

Red on Red

I just found out that Ruby Tuesday no longer exist.  It has been great fun to participate in this meme
and I will miss it!  Maybe someone will come up with another red themed meme!


eileeninmd said...

Great photo and capture of the red. Cute birdhouses. I did not know Ruby Tuesday ended? Sorry to see it gone!

penny said...

Vibrant rooms at the inn of your choice.. large, medium and extra small.
Love the shot and color, Janis.
Hugs to you and Jer,
Pam i am :)

Roan said...

I would love to host a meme, but can't find the time to visit and comment now so avoid it. I miss Ruby Tuesday and this is the perfect post. Great birdhouse!

Unknown said...

I love this shot. :) Very nice capture.

Carole said...

Cool shot. :-)

You could start your own version of Ruby Tuesday. I've done that in the past for blogs and various challenges that closed for one reason or another.